What We Treat
Pre or Post Surgical Rehab
A pelvic floor muscle evaluation prior to surgery may help you get a head start on treatments that will help you recover more quickly and effectively. After surgery, we can create an customized treatment plan for your best recovery.
Colon resection
Top surgeries
Other pelvic or abdominal surgeries
Bowel Symptoms
Don’t let bowel symptoms keep you from doing all the things you want to do.
Fecal Incontinence (bowel leakage)
Incomplete bowel emptying
Urinary Symptoms
Urinary symptoms are common and treatable. We can help.
Urinary urgency/frequency
Urinary incontinence (leakage)
Nocturia (getting up at night often to urinate)
Frequent bladder infections
Urinary retention
Sexual Function
Whatever your goals, you should be living your best sexual life. You deserve pleasure.
Anismus (difficulty with anal insertion)
Vaginismus (difficulty with vaginal insertion)
Pain with external sexual activity
Navigating changes in erectile function
Navigating changes in orgasm
Bowel or bladder incontinence with sexual activity